200th Day of Year 1324

Season of the Scion

Entry: General

Work has been draining, to say the least. The past week has found me working on policies for a new bill. Confidentiality binds me from writing any further, lest this journal entry be taken as an official Transcript of Procedure...ridiculous, I know.

Regardless, work in the Senate is not the only thing that I have found taking up my time. Terradrim's attendance, to his own guild's member meetings, has been lacking, as of late. The most recent convening had him showing up late. However, it did bring to light the reason why he has been 'away' periodically.

Apparently, our lieutenant, Elyssa Strongfist, and Terradrim's own kin, Kayain Dunmer, have gone missing. I can only imagine what kind of anxiety Terradrim must be going through. It was obvious to see that he had taken time out of his own schedule and responsibilities to try and locate some sign. However, he ultimately came to the guild for a volunteer team to be dispatched in search and rescue.

Tsorovan was one of the members who volunteered for the mission. From my gathered intelligence, he has been tasked as the forerunner. While this freedom from my mentor might be happily needed, I still feel fairly vulnerable. It is odd, but I never really came to realize how much security his ghost-like aid has supplied me...

~Kaelis Ra

195th Day of Year 1324

Season of the Scion

Entry: Guild Matters

Due to my schedule, I think an entry every five days, seems appropriate. My schedule is busier than most these days. White Aegis has been severely lacking, in many of their departments. The bandit raid in 1322 really did a number on the guild. Terradrim has done a lot to keep this guild together, but the massacre took its toll both in death, and in people leaving. However, I may have fixed some of my problems with a new recruit.

Cerun is a Sylvari that has taken it upon himself to be a type of emissary to the races outside of the Pale Tree's domain. Upon looking at his dossier, I think he might have a lot to bring to the guild, and a lot to take from the guild. I have approached him, in hopes of bringing him into my department. With his acceptance, all that is left is the formality of determining his potential, within the guild.

To further brighten my day, we have finally filled one of our positions for our medical team. Annaveil Von Morte looks to be a promising recruit. As having been a necromancer for the Vigil, her transfer to White Aegis should be fairly easy. We can get her started on her job, as soon as she's willing.

Despite all of this good news, the Senate has decided to convene more often. If my work weeks have not been long enough, it looks as if I'll be needed to advocate for much more, on behalf of the Sylvari. The newly formed Nightmare Court, among the Sylvari, has begun to worry much of the Senate, and what it could mean if the Sylvari strayed from their sacred tablet.

They are still a young race, and need guidance. However, as they will quickly realize, their choice of two separate paths will yield completely different results in knowledge. I fear that such a young race is not ready for uncovering and exposing themselves to so many differing perspectives. Only time will tell how they will handle it.

Till then...back to work...

~Kaelis Ra

190th Day of Year 1324

Season of the Scion

Entry: On My Parents

Today, I arrived home after a long day at work. It was brutal. Not only did I have a policy meeting, with a few other Senators, but I also had to attend to office hours at White Aegis. This is a critical time for the guild. We are just beginning to take on new members, and come back to our former strength. Yet, with all of this news, I digress.

I arrived home to see my butler, and long-time friend, Zachariah awaiting me, with a letter in his hand. Someone had dropped it off for me, and said it was important for it to reach my hands only. Upon opening the letter, I found half of an amulet, and a note with an inscription. Honestly, the piece of the amulet alone was enough to make my heart stop. There was only half, because I had the other half.

The amulet is an heirloom, in my family. However, with the fire, so long ago, in the Eastern Commons, much of my family's history, and even my family itself, was destroyed. Suffice it to say, I was taken by surprise.

I read the note, and it told me to meet the messenger of the letter in the palace gardens of Divinity's Reach. Despite my excitement to meet the person that held a piece of my family's history, it had been years since I had last even thought of investigating the cause of the fire. This seemed to have come up at too inconvenient a time, to be perfectly kosher. I contacted Terradrim, who was more than willing to accompany me on this venture.

And was I lucky he came! It turned out that the "informant", that was to give me information on my family, was an assassin, of sorts. Not just any type of assassin either. Somehow, he managed to clear out the gardens, and replace the regulars with other veiled assassins. Before long, Terradrim and I found ourselves in a little bit of a predicament.

Fortunately for us, two people came to help. These two were Exemplar Salia, and Exemplar Melid. They are of the Shining Blades. They informed us of our attackers. Apparently, the White Mantle are all but dead. This news could not have come at a worse time, but it does help to explain some of the rise in Bandit activity.

Terradrim decided more patrols needed to be trained and set out. I have begun the preliminaries of finding out as much information on the whereabouts of the White Mantle. Tsorovan has lent me his services again. Honestly, I do not know what I would do without that man!

~Kaelis Ra