Kaelis Ra

Basic Information


Date of Birth:N/A till game timeline sets up.
Father's Name:Traev Ra
Mother's Name:Misha Kelt
Other Family:N/A
Place of Birth:Divinity's Reach
Place of Residence:Divinity's Reach

Religion / Deity:Lyssa

Trade:Senator/BSA (B#ll-shit Artist)


Hair Color:Brown
Skin Color:Type II Skin tone (light-intermediate European tone)
Eye color:Brown
Noticeable Feature:Slight scar along his right cheek-bone
Physical Anomalies: None

Speech Pattern:As part of his "trade", he can come across differently depending on the person. For the most part, Kaelis conducts discourse with a relaxed form of speech.
Noticeable Demeanor/Body Language:He exudes confidence. It is the only body language that he cannot control. Otherwise, he fits his demeanor to suit the situation and what he needs from the person.
The Walk (describe how he/she walks):He walks in an approachable manner. His non-chalant nature to things makes him seem the type unprepared, yet comfortable.

Armor Type:He doesn't wear armour. His greatest protection is his intelligence.
Favored Weapon:His favoured focus. Should he need more, the sword at his side does just fine.
Fashion of Choice:See photos.


Likes:Gambling, writing, talking, philosophy, money
Dislikes:People with no self-respect, people that outwit him
Pet Peeve:Unbathed people, if they can help it.
Favorite Food:Lamb
Favorite Drink:Mulled Wine
Favorite Color:Green


Special Talents:The gift of gab. He talk himself into and out of most everything.
Positive Personality Traits:Outgoing, charming, confident.
Negative Personality Traits:Sarcastic, arrogant, pushy.
Main Values:He never underestimates the value of a person. He might not show his respect to every person he will ever meet. However, he does still have admiration for those exceptional people. He also lets show the respect he might have for someone by caving or being more flexible with what he lets slide with the person. Family tradition is important to him, even in regards to others' families. He might chase many women, but if he found the one he would be loyal to a fault. His own moral code trumps any state law, in his eyes. He would never openly denounce the law, thought he might try to circumvent it.

Short Term Goals:Get through the day. Try not to cause too much commotion, and try to enjoy himself along the way.
Long Term Goals:Make sure that the White Aegis' intent is met, and that he can work within the system as best he could to make that work.
Wishes/Dreams:Dreams of a wonderful retirement in the mountains with warm clothing, a good woman, and a barrel of wine.
Fears:That he might end up in Kryta for the rest of his life.

Political Opinion:One of the reasons he got himself into politics, is because he hated politics so much. Men and women who considered themselves better than others. The laws passed only tended to benefit the people at the top, and not many of the citizens beneath. Now, with Tyria succumbing to more and more upheaval every day, Kaelis works with the White Aegis, to make the complicated network of power politics work, to defend the continent, and not just leech anymore.

Social Opinion:Kaelis loves people. Regular people. He believes that you cannot find a better time than with the common folk. They know how to have fun, and they know when the deadlines must be met. They might not have much, but they have their lives sorted out. Kaelis finds his dealings with the higher leaders to be very dry. They stand for proper etiquette, and subtle manipulations of the system. Finally, Kaelis has been in dealings with the Underworld. Black markets, thief dens, merc units, and plain and simple nasty business. Though, if the White Aegis ever knew definitively, of his dealings and involvement with that world, he might not be in the position he is in with the White Aegis. That being said, Terradrim Dunmer and the Norn representative are no fools. The guild's leader most likely has his suspicions, and the Norn representative more than likely understands the requirement to deal with that world. As long as there is no definitive evidence that will compromise him, and as long as it is not a Norn dealing, Kaelis does what he needs to do.

Searches for in a friend:Someone more reserved than he is. Someone with not as much going on in their life, so that he can feel some peace amidst all of the hectic hustle and bustle.
Searches for in a romantic partner:The same as above, only add someone strong willed and can deal with his attitude.
Avoids type of people that are...:Too much like him. It only causes trouble and drama. Most of which he gets enough of in the field.


Former Guilds:Divinity's Dice Delvers

Work Experience:Advocating for his friends during their court proceedings, dealing with local guard patrols, small-time nobility scams, until he worked his way up to being a major political power-player in the Divinity's Reach Senate. More than a few of his proposals were passed on to the Queen during times of civil unrest, where he had one of them implemented in the successful effort of quelling an uprising. His word is nowhere close to law, but many realize his talent and value to the Krytan nation.

Kaelis Ra was born in Divinity's Reach to his mother, Misha, and father, Traev. He had no siblings, and his grandparents did not survive his first winter. He grew up in a poor neighbourhood with nothing but heart, love, and a very restless side. Throughout his childhood, he was getting into constant trouble. Mostly, it involved the neighbours' rooftops, and many of the other children in the neighbourhood. He once ended up outside of the Eastern Commons to get in a little bit of trouble with a Vigil Patrol. The patrol was for a female senator. The woman was quite nice to him despite his slight interruption. The patrol would have probably not been so nice. All in all, the Eastern Commons treated him well.

In his adolescent years, Kaelis was just as rambunctious. He co-founded, with three others, Divinity's Dice Delvers. "Triple D" was their dice team that was infamous for being rumoured to scam other prospective dice players. Whether this was true or not, it was not able to be proven. However, the team disbanded after a few months, due to the fact that the guardsmen worked their hardest to try and keep the quartet apart. Whether rumours ruled the day, or not, guardsmen were requred to be on their toes.

During this span of time, the only one in the group that was able to rise above the adversity was Kaelis. He developed, and then honed his people-skills through advocating for his friends in court, and surprisingly was able to keep himself out of it. His success in this caught the eye of that female senator once more. She made contact again. Over dinner and coffee by her fire-place, she explained to him about the mechanization of the Goddess Lyssa.

Apparently, what Kaelis had heard in rumour was true, and the Goddess Lyssa gave out "gifts" to those who held affinity for her ideals. Kaelis then found out that he fell into this category. However, those who developed these skills tended to get involved with the upper echelon of politics, and to do that he would have to break contact with the Eastern Commons in order to be taken seriously.His mind was made up for him during the great storm of the commons, during which a fire took out three blocks of housing, one of the houses being his family's.

He finally got into the game, and realized that it was much different from what he was used to. Senator Luana did her best to ease him into the it. Eventually, she appointed one of her soon-to-be-retired agents to help him out. However, after spending somewhere close to 15 years in the game, he picked up many of the tricks of the trade, and became a very formidable player. His most in-valuable asset is his mentor Shadar Tsorovan. Despite the difficulty they both had at the start of their working relationship, Kaelis looked up to the man for inspiration and direction. His ability as a counter-intelligence agent kept Kaelis' head above water for many of the first years. Then, the White Aegis became known to him. Their mission was god-sent. He was getting fed up with the useless power-politics, and wanted to actually start benefiting the citizens of Tyria. He applied to the Guild, and hoped that they had a fitting position for someone with his skills. Both he and Tsorovan were inducted into the guild. Kaelis went about business as usual. Once more, Tsorovan kept Kaelis' head above water, by helping conceal his involvement with the underworld, to get his deals made, and information found. Information was Kaelis' biggest weapon, especially as his mandate from the Senate is in dealing with white-collar crime. It is unknown where his career will take him, but he has already heard whispers of syndicates and organizations covered up by years of red-tape.


Friends:Terradrim Dunmer
Good Friends:Luana Borealis; Shadar Tsorovan
Romantic Interest:TBD
Work Companion:Shadar Tsorovan
Superior:Terradrim Dunmer and the leaders
Not Sure:TBD

Public's Knowledge of your character

Kaelis Ra is a Senator in the Queen's Senate. Now associated with the White Aegis. Also rumoured to be a Mesmer, a muse of the goddess Lyssa. This has not been seen in action, but some servants of the Senator Luana Borealis say that the gifts were bestowed upon him, in Senator Luana's private chambers. That being said, many people also believe something else instead took place in Senator Luana's private chambers.

Arrest record:Once for disturbing the peace.

Popular Achievements:Kaelis Ra was one of a team of ten senators who pushed forward "Blimm's Limited Accessibility Act" (BLAA), and required special paperwork to be granted access to the crypts in the tomb, which had a slight undead infestation at one point due to a rogue necromancer. He was also the main advocator to the Queen for SICA (Serfs' Injury Compensations Act). SICA made sure that the people who were responsible for the maintaining of the city's agricultural, and otherwise trade-oriented, needs were looked after in the event of injury. Workers work harder if they feel thought of and protected. That little compensation, to put towards cleric healing, could make all the difference in wartime. This was taken on as a personal feat for Kaelis, as his own parents were lost in a tragic fire. As well as it needing to be done as a response to civil unrest, and a potential civil uprising.

Circulation Rumors:"He is a Mesmer." "He and Senator Luana have a "thing"."

Kaelis Ra's Memorable Quotes:

“That's right! I'm a gambler, a farm-boy, and I'm here to take command of your bloody Senate!”

“A beautiful battle is one you don't have to fight.”

“Always leave a way out, unless you really want to find out how hard a man can fight when he’s nothing to lose.”

“I'm no lord. I've more respect for myself than that.”

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