195th Day of Year 1324

Season of the Scion

Entry: Guild Matters

Due to my schedule, I think an entry every five days, seems appropriate. My schedule is busier than most these days. White Aegis has been severely lacking, in many of their departments. The bandit raid in 1322 really did a number on the guild. Terradrim has done a lot to keep this guild together, but the massacre took its toll both in death, and in people leaving. However, I may have fixed some of my problems with a new recruit.

Cerun is a Sylvari that has taken it upon himself to be a type of emissary to the races outside of the Pale Tree's domain. Upon looking at his dossier, I think he might have a lot to bring to the guild, and a lot to take from the guild. I have approached him, in hopes of bringing him into my department. With his acceptance, all that is left is the formality of determining his potential, within the guild.

To further brighten my day, we have finally filled one of our positions for our medical team. Annaveil Von Morte looks to be a promising recruit. As having been a necromancer for the Vigil, her transfer to White Aegis should be fairly easy. We can get her started on her job, as soon as she's willing.

Despite all of this good news, the Senate has decided to convene more often. If my work weeks have not been long enough, it looks as if I'll be needed to advocate for much more, on behalf of the Sylvari. The newly formed Nightmare Court, among the Sylvari, has begun to worry much of the Senate, and what it could mean if the Sylvari strayed from their sacred tablet.

They are still a young race, and need guidance. However, as they will quickly realize, their choice of two separate paths will yield completely different results in knowledge. I fear that such a young race is not ready for uncovering and exposing themselves to so many differing perspectives. Only time will tell how they will handle it.

Till then...back to work...

~Kaelis Ra